This is the stunning view from the newly restored, historic wood at our multi-award winning Hornsey Rise development.
The wood was originally created in the 1920s in the grounds of the former NATSOPA Memorial Home for members of the now defunct print union.
Unfortunately when the Home closed in 2012 the wood became neglected, overgrown and fell into disrepair. Fortunately Springbourne Chairman Adrian Burr bought the site and pledged to restore the three acre feature for new residents.
Springbourne’s site manager Marc Harding and his assistant Chris Clark recently spent two months working tirelessly to clear the wood.
The pair cut back trees, pruned bushes and cleared a new pathway through the trees, shrubs and flowers. They also reclaimed the original stone steps and seating area to form the centre piece for the new-look wood.
A wild flower garden has now been planted either side in a bid to re-create the scene from a bygone age. It should also encourage bees, butterflies and other insects to the wooded area to help pollination and sustainability.
Marc and Chris created a new, rustic focal point at the bottom of the steps. They felled tree trunks providing seating around a cleverly circle of stones reclaimed from the old wood.
Marc said: “It was a major undertaking as the wood had been abandoned for so long but it was well worth the time and effort.
“We’re really pleased with the result and, when the wild flowers are established, it should look terrific.
“Most residents have monitored our progress and they’re delighted and excited about how it will mature and develop.
“That makes it all worthwhile. There’s a real feelgood factor for everyone at Springbourne that we’re leaving behind such a legacy.
“The wood, chapel and World War One Memorial have all been restored on Hornsey Rise and that’s really rewarding.”
Work was completed in time for the bluebell season with a carpet of the Spring flowers covering the revitalised wood.
When the wildflowers are established the wood should be a picturesque reminder of how things looked a hundred years ago.
Springbourne Homes
Market Bosworth Marina, Carlton Rd,
Market Bosworth, CV13 6PG
Office: 01455 292900